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  • Can I access the Help button in Blackboard without logging in?

    Yes. At the Bb login page, click "Preview". On the next page, click on the "Help(?)" button at the top center of the page.

  • Can I change my username and password?

    Not the username, but you can change the password. After login, click on "Personal Information" in the Tools menu, then click "Change Password."

  • How do I access the blackboard system?

    * Print this page before continuing.

    1. Click this link to the BLACKBOARD (Bb) login page for the San Bernardino Community College District: http://blackboard.sbccd.cc.ca.us
    2. Save this login page address as a Bookmark or Favorite in your browser program for quick access later.
    3. Type your Student or Employee ID number in both the Username and Password fields. Click "Login".
    4. Find your classes in the module titled "My Courses" or in the "Courses" tab.
    5. Click once on a course name to enter the virtual classroom.
    6. When finished with your Bb session, click "Logout" at the top center.

  • I can't remember which password to use.

    On the login page click on "Forgot password?". There will be instructions to follow and you must know your ID number and which email address is in the Bb system. Your username will always be your 7-digit ID number.

  • I want to add an online class late.

    The only way to add a class, any class after the semester has begun, is to contact the instructor of the course. Although "late add" dates are usually set by the campus, each department also has a "late add" policy. The instructor or their department head can help you with the details. The Distributed Education office cannot authorize adds or drops at any time for any reason.

  • My Username or Password won't work.
    1. Verify that you are logging into the correct program, or website, being used for your course. Classes can be taught using many different systems, of which only one will work for your specified course. Check with the instructor to verify the name of the Learning Management Software for your class.
    2. The "Username" and "Password" are your Campus ID number (7 digits) assigned when you applied to the campus. Verify this number and be certain to use all 7 digits including the first zero.
  • What is a Bb shell?

    The term "shell" is a generic name for the BLACKBOARD template for a particular academic course or a campus organization.

  • What is Blackboard?

    A "Learning Management Software" (LMS) purchased and operated by this District.